Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Reason vs. emotion

Ayn Rand, philosopher and authoress, coined the phrase "emotions are not tools of cognition." Indeed, she was correct. Intuitively I know it. And I can thus say, emotions are not tools of reason. When "reason" bows to emotion, it is clear that the person is being ruled by their feelings- and not by reason.

Even Ayn Rand herself allowed her feelings to rule her head- and thus, she was never able to rise above her emotions, and follow her own philosophy to its natural conclusion.

Her "philosophy", if followed to its natural conclusion, would show mankind how to separate the feelings and reason- and to allow reason itself to rule in the human mind. Thus could perfection find its outlet in discipline of the highest order!!

I speak of the kind of perfection in self-discipline that happens when reason rules in the mind: negative habits of all kinds would be overcome and not allowed to happen again!

Anyone out there know what I am about to dig into??

If we were to develop the ability to rule our lives by ruling our minds through reason, we would develop the habits of better diet, stop smoking and drinking and doing anything else which is not considered a habit of practicality, right thinking or productivity!

Right thinking is a reflection of optimum cheerfulness, positive thinking and positive attitudes.. have I left anything out? In the realm of "reason", and ALL THAT IT IMPLIES, there is not room for anything negative or hateful. Or anything that implies the opposite of "reason"!

Can reason itself, and of itself, exist as anything else than what the word implies? I will not go into its "roots" as far as whether it is greek or whatever.. but when I think of "reason", I think of bold, intellectual discipline- a perfect mind and a perfect body!

REASON. It does not denote a beauty of physical proportions.. but of the intellectual.

Lets you and I begin, right now, to take charge of our lives and discipline our bodies and emotions by putting reason to work! I ain't talking about a philosophy like Rand's nor one like that of Hubbard's "Dianetecs." Even he had no personal control over his life. His life was ruled by his passions.

When mankind stops living by his passions, mankind will find peace in the world...


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